Sunday 19 June 2011

Short & Sweet

Well, it is father’s day today,
and I have a badge. Which pretty much makes me the happiest person alive. Ever. So my thanks to Tarquina Superba and her mother (there was a card too and I’m grinning all over my daft face.) and for those of you who have no interest in the sprig of the Blancmange line – a recipe for chocolate brownies.

3 eggs
3oz/85gr self raising flour
9oz /250g caster sugar
6oz/175g butter

1 tbspoon cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 mars bar
200g cooking choc – dark chocolate at least 75% cocoa solids

1. Whisk the eggs and sugar until they are pale and thick (like the son of my mother’s second husband)

2. Melt 175g of the chocolate, the cocoa and the butter together in a bain-marie (look it up)

3. Add the results of 2. & 3. together, add the vanilla essence, fold in the flower. Add the chopped up pieces of Mars Bars

4. Pour the mixture into a buttered baking tray. Pre-heat the oven to 150-185 (Gas Mark 3-4). Cook in the oven for 30 minutes.

5. Now turn the oven off and leave it for an hour. Take it out of the oven and leave to cool.

Time for bed. Icing tomorrow. Good night all.

Actually tomorrow is now today thanks to the miracle of editing- so here's the icing.

Very simple: 1/3 butter to 2/3 icing sugar and add 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.
You might like a lot of icing or virtually none. The two important things are:
i) Get the ratios right so it doesn't end up too gloopy.
ii) Make sure the brownie has cooled,otherwise the icing may melt.

Mix it all up, apply icing and that's it, you're done.

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